Proto Porn
Supreme Ignorance
Stonerparty: Getsomethingtoeat
Its How I Used To Walk Around At Night In Oakland. Straight Up.
Barftroop: Finally!! A Mixtape!! Just In Time For The Perfect Barf Troop Holiday, Halloween! The Holiday Of Killing, Blood, Murder, Guts And Grime. It’s Basically The Troop In A Holiday So It’s Only Right We Released A Mixtape! Featuring The First
Emmylucifer: Hi…I’m In…Delaware
Loveandsqualorr: Omfg
Kayla Phillips
Casual Reminder That Fucking/Dating/Marrying A Poc Doesn't Mean You're Exempt From Doing Racist Shit.
Nobodyssweetheart: Bunnyfood: (Via Awkward-Pancakes) Holy Hell
Malaysia Ebony
Brandyliquor: Oh Shit