Proto Porn
#BodyBeast Day58 Legs
#BodyBeast Day58 Legs
#Bodybeast Day59 Back&Amp;Amp;Bis #Nopainnogain (At The Refinery)
#Bodybeast Day60 Cardio&Amp;Amp;Abs #Fitforlife #Fitnessaddict #Gymrat #Crossfitgirl #Girlswholift #Strongisthenewbeautyful (At The Refinery)
Happy Flex Friday! Did Cardio&Amp;Amp;Shoulders This A.m. #Strongisthenewbeautiful #Fitforlife #Girlswholift #Girlswhocrossfit (At Asian Barbie&Amp;Rsquo;S Dollhouse)
Because I Wouldn&Amp;Rsquo;T Want To Live Anywhere Else! #Chicago #Windycity #Citylife
#Truth Through It All&Amp;Hellip;The Bad And The Good Or Should I Say The Bulk And The Shred!!
#Mylife And I Love It!
Tgif&Amp;Hellip;#Flexfriday Now Time For 12Hrs Grind. #Getitin #Iworkout #Fitisthenewsexy #Strongisthenewbeautiful #Fitforlife #Girlswholift #Girlswhocrossfit #Looklikeabeautysweatlikeabeast (At The Refinery)
Sunscreen Towel Fabulousweather= Heaven&Amp;Hellip;Gettin Muh Tan On! #Summertime #Sunbaby #R&Amp;Amp;R (At Main Quadrangle)
Monday = Chest Day #Bodybeast #Beastmodeon #Girlswholift #Girlswhoworkout #Girlswhocrossfit (At The Refinery)
Crushed Shoulders Workout. #Iworkout #Girlswhocrossfit #Gymrat #Girlswholift #Girlswhoworkout (At The Refinery)
Happy Monday! Smashed #Chestday!! Now Time For The Grind. #Girlswholift #Girlswhoworkout #Girlswhocrossfit (At The Refinery)
Have #Nofear. Your Body Is Capable Of Far More Then You Think. (At Chicago)