Proto Porn
Follow The White Rabbit
Follow The White Rabbit
Extremenerdterror: Ok.
The Galactic Rival
Amores-Imaginarios: Apúrate, Antes Que Llegue Mi Mamá.
Pura-Mierda: Buenos Tiempos :D
...I'm Just Killing Time
Tenth Floor Ghost Boy
Follow The White Rabbit
(Via Twentycenturyman, Twentycenturyman, Likebookends)
Rosotova: Freak-Cl: Esta Bueno Este Web Comic Fuente Smbc-Comic | Via Elguindilla Morí.
Intothecontinuum: Mathematica Code: S[N_, T_] := Sin[N*3 Pi/50 + T]Listanimate[ Show[ Table[ Plot[ 100 - N + (20*Abs[S[N,T]] + .02)*Exp[-(X - 4*S[N, T])^2/Abs[S[N,T]]], {X, -10, 10}, Plotstyle -&Amp;Gt; Directive[Black, Thick], Plotrange
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