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Blurry Is The One I Am Not
&Quot;Acho Q Vou Abrir Um Salao De Beleza&Quot; &Quot;Vc Vai Fazer Meu Cabelo De Graça Né Amg?!&Quot; &Quot;Mas Eu Falei Q Ia Abrir Um Salao E Nao Um Pet Shop Amiga&Quot;
Lembre-Sedisso: Fantasy Is A Necessary Ingredient In Living. It’s A Way Of Looking At Life Through The Wrong End Of A Telescope. Dr. Seuss
Lembre-Sedisso: Harry Potter — Friends Style
Blurry Is The One I Am Not
Brunowmors: Pjo 30 Day Challenge - Day 14: Your Ideal Movie Cast? Kaya Scodelario As Thalia Grace; Lucy Hale As Silena Beauregard; Nathan Kress As Frank Zhang; Katerina Graham As Hazel Levesque; Skandar Keynes As Nico Di Angelo; Isabelle Fuhrman