Proto Porn
Mildly Offensive Gun Owner
Mildly Offensive Gun Owner
Malteseboy: Word
Spread The Stoke
64Hz: Insane…
We Were Always A Losing Game
Satans-Advocate: X
Mildly Offensive Gun Owner
Mildly Offensive Gun Owner
Freexcitizen: Learnosaurusrex: Russian E-Tool That Can Unscrew To Become A 40Mm Grenade Mortar With The Blade As The Base Plate. So Awesome
The-Absolute-Best-Posts: Frickyeah1990S: &Amp;Ldquo;Some Years Later, That Handsome Young Man Who They Called ‘The King’… Well He Sung Too Many Songs. Had Himself A Heart Attack Or Something. Must Be Hard Being A King.&Amp;Rdquo;
Georgetakei: Some Things R2 Quick To C.
Hemi-Guy: Amen