Proto Porn
(don’t laugh!)
(don’t laugh!)
Theblindvisionary: We Take The Naps We Think We Deserve
Pointy-Earedbastard: Gastrogirl: Easy Chocolate And Oreo Tart.
Another Sentimental Argument And Bitter Love
We Made It
Sexualbread: *Smells U Deeply* U Smell Like My Next Friend
Now @Dottetatler
Now @Dottetatler
How Gorgeous.
Mishas-Assbutts: [X]
Hummelberry: Hummelberry: I Wonder Why Triangle Shaped Sandwiches Taste Better Than Square Ones? Google Is Telling Me Square One’s Are ‘Too Overwhelming’ For Some People
I Got Drunk Last Night And When I Turned On My Laptop This Morning Carry On My Wayward Son Was Playing Idk What Happened But I Think I Know How To Dance Now