Proto Porn
empire420: 2g. nugget found on the road by my mailbox.
empire420: 2g. nugget found on the road by my mailbox.
Kee-Yaw-Nah: The Chappelle Show: Clayton Bigsby
Modernambition: The Perfect Pillow | Wf
Spongebob Squarepants
Trboswg:pearled Twaxed Raw. Platinumkushh Topped With Whitewidow Kief Then A Layer Of Some Sour Shatter 1 More Kief Blanket Rolled Up With Another Sour Snake Wrapped Around And Rolled In The Kief. Roor Glass Tip
Reblog If I Can Message You And Vent To You. Or To Start A Friendship.
Soohighrightmeow: Honey Bun
The Real Nancy Botwin
Eluciidate: Hangin’ Out
Stayhighjames: 4G Nug Of Jet Fuel. Happy Stoner Sunday!