Proto Porn
lohrien: Paintings by Emily Winfield Martin
lohrien: Paintings by Emily Winfield Martin
Damsellover: Janet Leigh
Damsellover: Gwili Andre, 1930′S
Maudelynn: Gwili Andre
Screengoddess: Alice White 1929
Nitratediva: The Adorable Alice White Takes A Bath In A Department Store Window As A Publicity Stunt In Marshall Neilan's Sweethearts On Parade (1930).
Maudelynn: The Always Adorable Alice White Reading The Hollywood Murder Mystery! C.1930
Miss-Flapper: Alice White In Show Girl, 1928 (Dir. Alfred Santell)Show Girl Was Once Considered A Lost Film With Only The Vitaphone Soundtrack In Existence. But A Print In 2015 Was Discovered In An Italian Film Archive. The First Screening Of The Film
Bizarrelosangeles: “Hollywood Ideas Are Not The Ideas Of The World. Pictures We Like Are Not Always Popular In Small Towns. Pictures We Consider Banal And Stupid Are Often The Biggest Moneymakers.” – Alice White Source: Louella Parsons (1932)
Maudelynn: Alice White C.1933 Via
Miss-Flapper: Alice White, 1930S
Miss-Flapper: 9 Favorite Pictures Of: Alice White
Miss-Flapper: Alice White On The Set Of Jimmy The Gent, 1934