Proto Porn

☽ Aliens ☾

☽ Aliens ☾

☽ Aliens ☾

-Wwhiskers: (By We Had The Stars)

-Wwhiskers:  (By We Had The Stars)



Les-Mains: Uo S11 (Par Neon.tambourine)

Les-Mains:  Uo S11 (Par Neon.tambourine)

Speaking Watermelons

Speaking Watermelons

I'm A High-Functioning Sociopath.

I'm A High-Functioning Sociopath.

I'm A High-Functioning Sociopath.

I'm A High-Functioning Sociopath.



Bring Me To Life

Bring Me To Life

Bring Me To Life

Bring Me To Life

I'm A High-Functioning Sociopath.

I'm A High-Functioning Sociopath.



I Learned What Suffering Is

I Learned What Suffering Is

gag_spit gagged