Proto Porn
dans la lune
dans la lune
Curiouser And Curiouser...
You Know What Your Problem Is? You Get Attached, Fast. And Once You're Attached To Someone, You Do Everything You Can To Please Them And Make Them Happy. It's Never Been About What You Want, It's Always Everyone's Needs Before Your Own. You Give Out Too
I'm Here To Take The Sky.: Tyler The Creator Won A Mtv Vma.
What-Is-This-I-Dont-Even: That’s Basically How It Happened.
Home Again
When The Shit Keeps Piling Up, Get A Shovel
I Loved That Movie. She Fuckin Hit Him With A Glass Ashtray. Xd
Just Little Things
Lesbiancrimesquad: Polisheddirt: Could It Be?? Lady Gaga’s Alter Ego Jo Disgustingly Objectifying Women?!? I’m Going To Guess That Jo Didn’t Ask Snooki If He Could Grab Her Breasts. Also, Salivating Over Britney Spears Like A Piece Of Meat On