Proto Porn
burn-me-d0wn: /(^-^)/ to the window \(^-^)\ to the wall!
burn-me-d0wn: /(^-^)/ to the window \(^-^)\ to the wall!
I'm A Daisy!
Veritas Vos Liberabit
~Fresh Prince Of The South Nj Area~
Winona Ryder In High School “I Was Wearing An Old Salvation Army Shop Boy’s Suit. As I Went To The Bathroom I Heard People Saying, ‘Hey, Faggot’. They Slammed My Head Into A Locker. I Fell To The Ground And They Started To Kick The Shit Out Of
Fuckyeahdementia: I Only Listen To Vegan Music.
Splashofglamour: Omg!
Hahaha Wait What?
Nicoosuxx: Hear Noises Pause Music Complete Silence Play Music Hear Noises Again
Kanayafempreg: Voiceofthemockingjay: Itspeteyyy: I Really Hope She’s Infertile And Not Pregnant. I Hope They’re All Infertile. And Their Family. And Friends. “It Only Takes Round Cards”
Singlefiletodehumanization: If Kevin Bacon Doesn’t Occasionally Refer To His Children As “Bacon Bits”, Then He Can Go Fuck Himself.
Rambling Bⓔauty