Proto Porn
The Lazy Yogi
The Lazy Yogi
8R8Kh34Ds: If I Could Choose A Super Power It Would Be Having The Power To Literally Slap Sense Into People “Hahah You’re So Fucking Pathetic I Hope You Die” Slaps “Wait What Im Saying Could Seriously Hurt A Person And Drain Their Confidence
Extrasad: Omg Baby
Psychology-Terms: Sternberg’s Love Theory
Drunktrophywife: Being A Girl Is Really Fucking Expensive
Satanictaco: Me On My Way To Steal Your Man
Spookypepper: My Grandma Noticed I Was Upset So She Handed Me This Spaghetti Noodle With A Loop In It I’m So Happy
Whatsacanada: My Algebra Teacher Dressed As A Cheerleader Today How Was I Suppose To Take This Seriously
Heavy Boots