Proto Porn
clvbpenguin: just had the best origami during sex
clvbpenguin: just had the best origami during sex
Insta @Marsello_Davies
Leauxnoir: Match Made In Fashion Bassike Pre-Fall 2014 X Michael Kors F/W 2014
Hi It Me
Insta @Marsello_Davies
Secretlymisha: It’s Deeply Disturbing That People Are So Eager To Associate Mental Illness With Mass Violence, Yet Refuse To Associate Misogyny With Killing Women
80Slove: Edward Scissorhands, 1990
Ivoryunknown: Littlepill-Z: Tout Sonne Mieux En Français Mes Côtes Sont Meurtris De Mon Cœur Battait Si Fort Contre Ma Poitrine Quand Je Pense À Toi (Theres The Poem Roughly Translated To French For You Guys)
Cnyck: Raf Simons Aw02
Fohk: Wolf Vostell