Proto Porn
I hope aliens exist
I hope aliens exist
Inabasket: Colleges Don’t Offer This As A Major So What’s The Fucking Point
Leadhooves: Housewifeswag: The Look On Their Faces Though. Its Like “Omfg, Charles. Charles, Charles. The Human Is Waving. Wave Back, Hurry.” Omg Cutest Ever Hnnnnnnnnnnnnng
Iambluedog: It Wet
Blackberryshawty: When Your Caesar Salad Is Nothing But Iceberg Lettuce
Marco-Boat: My Little Sister Just Came Up To Me And Said “I Made A Comic” So She Handed Me This
Mormondad: Why Do Other Ppl Have My Name Wtf
Pokemean: Youngharlemshawty: World Population : 7,810,521,683 Just In Case Somebody Start Feelin Too Important 7,810,521,682 And Me
Disappointingpopsiclejokes: Disappointing Popsicle Jokes
Toouglyforfashion: Lavandula: トリコ コム デ ギャルソン / Tricot Comme Des Garçons, Spring.summer 14 .
Dull Silver