Proto Porn
angel 💖
angel 💖
Kdr: Iesuuyr: Bluepueblo: Cherry Blossoms, Hiroshima, Japan Photo Via Luanne
Ay-Oh River
Kurisu004: Id=39781376
Kurisu004: Id=39781376
&Amp;Ldquo;My Apologies. I Bit Your Tongue. I Loved You, Araragi-San” Ugh Monogatari Killed Me With This Episode.
Hachikuji&Amp;Ndash;Mayoi: ;_;
Hachikuji&Amp;Ndash;Mayoi: No…Nooo….
Ughhhhh Monogatari Episode 20, How Could You Do This To Me? Seriously, That Killed Me.
Giraffepoliceforce: Okay But Seriously If You Are Attending College While Experiencing Any Sort Of Mental Illness Then You Are An Impressive Human Being. Even If You Don’t Always Make It To Classes. Even If You Don’t Always Do Your Homework Or Pass
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