Proto Porn
ifuckingloveblink: i feel the need to educate you guys about this fandom
ifuckingloveblink: i feel the need to educate you guys about this fandom
Oxyqn: Blotteracid: Clragonstone: Ethereal-Life: Thorinthesassmaster: Suicidalnot: Phineas4Cobain: Shut-Up-Saskia: Nerd—Vana: 3Rdquartermoon: I-Wanne-Be-Your-Arabella: Kurt Cobain Was So Important So Amazing Here’s The Video Never Took
Kaible: M A S T E R H A S R E T U R N E D
Find What You Love And Let It Kill You.
Boys-And-Suicide: No Sorry I Can’t Hang Out Today. I Have To Stay In Bed And Think About What A Failure I Am In Life.
Share: Can We Just Take A Moment To Appreciate Pugs I Mean C’mon Look At These Cute Stupid Ass Lil Mother Truckers I Want 50
Virginrosemary: Radiocandy: Friendly Reminder That Famous Viner Curtis Lepore Is A Rapist. As Long As People Are Still Watching His Vines I Will Keep Reblogged This
Religion’s In Your Lips
Religion’s In Your Lips
The Velvet Underground - Peeled Banana Us 1967
Religion’s In Your Lips
The-Screaming: Hey Friends With Anxiety, I Found This Cool Website That Lets You Make You Own Nebulas And Galaxies And Stuff. The Lines Slowly Spread Out After You Make Them And Its Really Relaxing And Calming So If You’re Ever Having An Anxiety Or