Proto Porn
thepsychmind: Fun Psychology facts here!
thepsychmind: Fun Psychology facts here!
Littlemisssubshine: Trust. He Didn’t Let The Pup Fall The First Time, And So The Pup Did Not Hesitate To Trust The Second Time. I Love This.
Beingblog: ”You Have To Understand,That No One Puts Their Children In A Boatunless The Water Is Safer Than The Land” —Warsan Shire, As Quoted In Omid Safi’s “Love In A Time Of Refugees” [Image By Daniel Etter]
Joana-Shoots: I Made Mistakes Back Then I’ll Never Do It Again. -The Black Keys
Always Do What You Are Afraid To Do...
Η Μελωδία Της Ψυχής Μου
Changes Happened...
Oh-We-Are-The-Infinity: 《Θα Γνώριζα Τα Μάτια Σου, Σε Χίλια Μάτια Ανάμεσα》
Βούλε Βού Κουσέ Αβέκ Μουά;
Iprayforazazel: Όσα Αρώματα Κι Αν Βάλεις, Θα Σε Φαντάζομαι Πάντα Ιδρωμένη. Και Λίγο Hooligan.
Efizaf: Αυτόοοο!!!! :/