Proto Porn
anything for selenas
anything for selenas
Pathtodestruction: I Would Give Anything In The Whole World Just To Feel You Touch My Skin Right Now, Or Kiss You, Or Smile With You, Or Laugh With You, Or Hold Your Hand, Or Walk Beside You, Or Just Sit Together In The Park And Watch The Sunset. I Miss
Missyoulikehell: I Love This Piano.
Omg This Is So Awesome!!!
Serenity Now!
There Are Positives And Negatives To Any Friendship Or Relationship.
Withoutsomuchasakiss: Like And Awesome, Retarded Seal
The Flavor Of Your Lips Is Enough To Keep Me Here
Hipsterharrypotter: “I’ve Got Two Neptunes Here,” Said Harry After A While, Frowning Down On His Parchment, “That Can’t Be Right, Can It?” “Aaaah,” Said Ron, Imitating Professor Trelawney’s Mysical Whisper, “When Two Neptunes Appear
Lovequotesrus: Photo Courtesy: Factsaboutyou
Photographyyy : )