Proto Porn
I-Bid-The-Moon: Romieohjuliette: Niggaimdeadass: Yes Lmmmmaaaaooo But He Died The Same Day Hurricane Sandy Started Woah 🙀
Nickijuana: Kaleidoscopedplantcell: Age-Of-Awakening: Spread This Shit Like Wildfire!!!!! 12/19/14 Why Horrible.. Poor Babies
Ashe Maree Is Not Here
Hopefulmuffins: Beautiful And Creepy. The Wall By Pink Floyd Animation By Gerald Scarfe
Officialcrow: Souljaboyemoji: Calvinsraccoon: Joooooooonijoooonom: Yup. Was Literally Just Watching An Ex-Nypd Detective On Cnn Saying This Is The Fault Of The Protesters And “Their Voices Must Be Silenced”This Is Honestly A Shame In General.
A Vulgar Picture
A Vulgar Picture
Canadianslut: Merry Fuckin Christmas Where Is The Hard Liquor
It's Sink Or Swim. It's Hit Or Miss.
Jessehimself: Shredder257: Postracialcomments: Murder 12 People, Injure 70. Not A Monster Unarmed, Hands Up, Surrendering Instantly Called A Demon Mon·ster ˈMänstər/ Noun Noun: Monster; Plural Noun: Monsters An Inhumanly Cruel Or Wicked
Codyleeanna: And More..