Proto Porn
badwonderchild: “Du willst mich haten aber ich bin zu sympathisch.” —
badwonderchild: “Du willst mich haten aber ich bin zu sympathisch.” —
Sampreme: Do U Ever Just Get Into A Hella Cuddly And Lovey Mood
Since-Waayy-Back: You Stole My Heart Since That Day
Wholeheartedsuggestions: Let’s Just Take A Couch Nap, Share A Blanket, And Feel Safe Together
Kattewhitte: *Aggressively Organizes Life At 3Am*
Basic-Fuck: “It Will Be Okay” Is The Most Frustrating Thing To Hear But The Most Truthful Thing You Can Say.
Kleinstadtastronaut: “Kein Mensch Hat Zeit, Es Geht Darum Sich Die Zeit Zu Nehmen.” — K.i.z
Fuvk-Lxve:being Filthy With The Right Person Can Be Addictive As Fuck.
Socotic: Isn’t It Weird How We Basically Have An Endless Mental Conversation With Ourselves When We Think?
Vollkommen-Allein: “Manchmal Ist Die Schmerzvollste Sache Die Du Tun Musst, Deine Augen Öffnen.” — (Via Decomposeddandelion)