Proto Porn
stop homophobia
stop homophobia
Black Dead Muzic
Karinblack: Meku (Galeyd)
Karinblack: Galeyd
Enchantingmoon: Ruki Of The Gazette’s Twitter Update (2012-07-25) : Thank You Osaka! Will Come Again! And Received Refreshment From Teru-San! The Picture. *差し入れ Is Usually A Refreshment Given To Someone Who Is Carrying Out A Task, Often
I Heart Japan!!
J-Rock Forever
High Priestess Potato
Narumaki: The Gazette Wearing Dresses! Xd
Venomouscell-Omega: ルキ And 麗
Le-Mephisto-Pheles: ((Bored))
Fuck Yeah Masashi