Proto Porn
When you go to the grocery store and get a ton of new food when you get home
When you go to the grocery store and get a ton of new food when you get home
Note To Self:
You Think Cocaine Is Addictive? Have You Heard Of Tumblr
Thanksgiving Tomorrow!
Mark-Arboleda: I Accept The Fact That You’re Never Gonna Be With Me, But I Also Accept The Fact That I’m Never Gonna Let You Go.
That Awkward Moment When You Think Someones Cute But It's Really The Angle Of The Picture..
Those Annoying People At School Who You Just Wanna Slap In The Face.....
That Awkward Moment When You’re Taking A Bite Of Pizza, And You Accidentally Bite The Whole Entire Layer Of Cheese Off
When I See You.
Yourstrulykaitlinvang: Holy Fuck . :3