Proto Porn

brandn-w: ask siri what zero divided by zero is

brandn-w: ask siri what zero divided by zero is

brandn-w:  ask siri what zero divided by zero is

Whatisthat-Velvet: Conservatives Be Like….

Whatisthat-Velvet:  Conservatives Be Like….



Keepasecretslut: Egerston:please Be Patient With Those Who Have Anxiety They Say Sorry A Lot Because They’re Genuinely Afraid They’ve Insulted You Somehow They Ask If They’re Annoying Because They Genuinely Think They’ve Somehow Annoyed You

Keepasecretslut:  Egerston:please Be Patient With Those Who Have Anxiety   They Say

Iwriteaboutfeminism: Bitch-Media: A Still From Girl Scouts Of Western Washington’s Indiegogo Campaign Video.the Girl Scouts Of Western Washington Recently Received A $100,000 Donation, But It Came With A Caveat: The Money Couldn’t Go To Supporting

Iwriteaboutfeminism:  Bitch-Media:  A Still From Girl Scouts Of Western Washington’s

Goodgirlscangobad: Really-Shit: Bird’s Nesthanging W/ And Photographing Models In Paris, France. -

Goodgirlscangobad:  Really-Shit:  Bird’s Nesthanging W/ And Photographing Models

.• Growing •.

.• Growing •.









Thesubbburbs: Probably The Worst Types Of People Are The Ones That Shut You Down To Make Themselves Look Cooler Than You, For Example If You Get Excited And Squeal And They’re Like “Woah What Was That..” Or If You Talk Loudly Because You’re Passionate

Thesubbburbs:  Probably The Worst Types Of People Are The Ones That Shut You Down

Effortlessly Geek

Effortlessly Geek

TheRedFox TheSockDrawer