Proto Porn

bestiario: there was always light (by amanda blake art)

bestiario: there was always light (by amanda blake art)

bestiario:  there was always light (by amanda blake art)

Christian Schad, Appendectomy In Geneva (1929)

Christian Schad, Appendectomy In Geneva (1929)

Bombo: University Of Iowa, 1961

Bombo:  University Of Iowa, 1961

Theories-Of: Stefan Brüggemann

Theories-Of:  Stefan Brüggemann

Theories-Of: Király András-End Of The World, 2012, Oil On Canvas, 40X60Cm Il Mondo: Non C'è Che Da Spostarne Di Un Palmo L'origine.

Theories-Of:  Király András-End Of The World, 2012, Oil On Canvas, 40X60Cm  Il

Mrkiki: Anne Ryanuntitled. 2001Oil On Canvas59.84 × 71.89 Inches / 152 × 182.6 Cm Via

Mrkiki:  Anne Ryanuntitled. 2001Oil On Canvas59.84 × 71.89 Inches / 152 × 182.6 Cm

Classic-Art: Girls In The Banks Of The Seine Gustave Courbet Finalmente Una Posa D'abbandono Femminino Del Tutto Priva Di Grazia.

Classic-Art:  Girls In The Banks Of The Seine Gustave Courbet  Finalmente Una Posa

Mitologiasvivas: Francisco Salamone Slaughterhouse

Mitologiasvivas:  Francisco Salamone Slaughterhouse

Phassa:  Castelfranco, Giorgio Barbarelli Da - The Boy With The Arrow

Phassa:   Castelfranco, Giorgio Barbarelli Da - The Boy With The Arrow



Modernart1945-1980:        Bowl Of Flowers Gordon Smith C. 1955 44.5 X 57.4 Cmcolour Serigraph On Wove Paperpurchased 1956National Gallery Of Canada

Modernart1945-1980:        Bowl Of Flowers  Gordon Smith C. 1955 44.5 X 57.4 Cmcolour

Testamentsbetrayed: Alan Macdonald I Fiumi Più Profondi Scorrono Senza Troppo Rumore

Testamentsbetrayed:  Alan Macdonald  I Fiumi Più Profondi Scorrono Senza Troppo

Alberto Burri (1915 1995), Ferro (1959); Iron On Canvas &Amp;Ldquo;L'aurore Grelottante En Robe Rose Et Verte S'avançait Lentement Sur La Seine Déserte, Et Le Sombre Paris, En Se Frottant Les Yeux, Empoignait Ses Outils, Vieillard Laborieux.&Amp;Rdquo; * Charles

Alberto Burri (1915 1995), Ferro (1959); Iron On Canvas &Amp;Ldquo;L'aurore Grelottante

PAWGirls PAWGtastic