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Girlversusmakeup: X
Girlversusmakeup: Motiya: I Hope The Universe Blesses You With A Moment Of Peace This Week. You’re Doing The Right Thing, And You’re Going To Be Okay. &Amp;Lt;3
Princess Carolyn
Princess Carolyn
Supe Que Aún Lo Quería Porque Lo Odiaba Con Una Brutalidad De Ensueño. Supe Que Ya No Lo Quería Porque El Odio Desapareció. Doble O Nada.
Entrehumoyalcoholx: Cevladé
&Quot;Perder A Un Amigo Duele, Ellos También Pueden Romperte El Corazón&Quot;.
Marinashutup: It’s Weird To Think That Everyone Views You Differently Like One Person Might Think You Put The Stars In The Sky And Another Person Could Think You Crawled Out Of The Pits Of Hell And Are Here To Drag Them Down With You
Morticiaandthediamonds: Date Someone Who Loves Your Belly
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