Proto Porn
the kkk took my cable away
the kkk took my cable away
Fuck Rain
Free Your Mind.
Myambitionzasablogger: * Genius *
Probably The Funniest Thing Ever
Nov-A: Looking For Houses Is Fun In A Not So Fun At All Kind Of Way.
When Someone Asks &Quot;What Is Tumblr?&Quot;
Waste Em All!
Megadeth- Sweating Bullets
Viletruthpurelies: Jawsofsatan: Wishingg-0N-A-Star: Surf-La-Vagu3: Chill-Kids: Just-Brandonn: L-E-Mon: H-Iddensun: Boho-Flow: V-Anilla-Daisies: Calm-Seas: Niftyjaguar: In Northwestern Montana, The Water Is So Transparent In This Lake That
Grindmycorpse: Forever Paranoid That I Annoy Every Person I Talk To This