Proto Porn
mrgtrobbie: Lady Gaga album covers
mrgtrobbie: Lady Gaga album covers
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Book Four: Balance
Greekg0Ds: By *Nishe
Theabbatar: Things I Want: To Punch Myself In The Fucking Face Some Mac N Cheese
Metalkilltheking: In August 1969 The Band, Who Were Then Known As Earth, Decided To Change Their Name To Black Sabbath. This Was Because There Was Another Band Also Known As Earth, And Also As Homage To The 1963 Classic Mario Bava Horror Film Starring
Adudenamedjesse: If You Hear “Queen Of The Reich” Come On And You Don’t Try To Hit That High Note With Geoff, Then I’m Not Sure What You’re Doing With Your Life.
Jennyzbackside: Fuck Yeah Best Scorpions Album, Helped Refine Metal.
And Miles To Go...