Proto Porn

“ Guess what? David Burtka and I got married over the weekend. In Italy. Yup, we put the ‘n’ and ‘d’ in ‘husband.’ " x

“ Guess what? David Burtka and I got married over the weekend. In Italy. Yup, we put the ‘n’ and ‘d’ in ‘husband.’ " x

 “ Guess what? David Burtka and I got married over the weekend. In Italy.

 “ Guess what? David Burtka and I got married over the weekend. In Italy.

 “ Guess what? David Burtka and I got married over the weekend. In Italy.

Chazer: Frilllyknickers: Colorsoftheswim: Fuckyeahwomenprotesting2: I Like How Correcting Her Kids Creepy Behavior Doesn’t Even Matter To That Mother. This Actually Makes Me Very Angry. It Basically Highlights Everything Wrong With The World. Instead

Chazer:  Frilllyknickers:  Colorsoftheswim:  Fuckyeahwomenprotesting2:  I Like How

Do-I-Smell-Watermelon: Clesktop: Emmadilemmathethird: Waltdisney-Forever: If Only… Why Is The Cake Cutting-Thingy Square? And Where’s The Leftovers From The Middle Circle? One Of The Pieces Disappears????? It’s A Mouse Wearing Pants

Do-I-Smell-Watermelon:  Clesktop:  Emmadilemmathethird:  Waltdisney-Forever:  If



Urbanfuck: Online Shopping Gives Me A Reason To Live For Another 3-5 Business Days

Urbanfuck:  Online Shopping Gives Me A Reason To Live For Another 3-5 Business Days



Quincy360: You Know That Unexplainable Sickish Feeling Where Youre Not Really Sick And You Dont Really Have A Headache But You Just Feel Wrong And You Cant Get Comfortable Or Find Something That Youre Really Into But You Kinda Feel Too Ill To Sleep

Quincy360:  You Know That Unexplainable Sickish Feeling Where Youre Not Really Sick

Marinaandthediamondsss: I’m Sorry

Marinaandthediamondsss:  I’m Sorry

Lovequotesrus: Everything You Love Is Here

Lovequotesrus:  Everything You Love Is Here

Reality Ruined My Life

Reality Ruined My Life

Arabbara: R.i.p. The 2976 American People That Lost Their Lives On 9/11 And R.i.p. The 48,644 Afghan And 1,690,903 Iraqi And 35000 Pakistani People That Paid The Ultimate Price For A Crime They Did Not Commit.

Arabbara:  R.i.p. The 2976 American People That Lost Their Lives On 9/11 And R.i.p.





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