Proto Porn

Art challenges technology, technology inspires art.

Art challenges technology, technology inspires art.

 Art challenges technology, technology inspires art.

 Art challenges technology, technology inspires art.

 Art challenges technology, technology inspires art.

 Art challenges technology, technology inspires art.

 Art challenges technology, technology inspires art.

 Art challenges technology, technology inspires art.

 Art challenges technology, technology inspires art.

 Art challenges technology, technology inspires art.

 Art challenges technology, technology inspires art.

 Art challenges technology, technology inspires art.

#My Excuse For Not Doing Things

 #My Excuse For Not Doing Things

Think Deeply

Think Deeply

To Keep Free Space On My Hard Drive

To Keep Free Space On My Hard Drive

Osamah: This One Goes Out To All Them Fine Hunnies

Osamah:  This One Goes Out To All Them Fine Hunnies

Fairy-Wren: Barking Owl. Photo By Kitfox1111

Fairy-Wren:  Barking Owl. Photo By Kitfox1111

Sing It Out

Sing It Out

~ Krazy ~

~ Krazy ~

To Keep Free Space On My Hard Drive

To Keep Free Space On My Hard Drive



Torivegacore: Josh Peck On Vine 6.27.13 

Torivegacore:  Josh Peck On Vine 6.27.13 

Waltdisnerd: Optimismfeelsbetter: Zombienemo: Waltdisnerd: Battbaby: With Out Sound His Lips Read ‘You Piece..of Poo Poo’ Omg Omf I Even “Hear” It In His Voice.omgsomeone Should Seriously Replace The Bottom Text With That. Here You Go,

Waltdisnerd:  Optimismfeelsbetter:  Zombienemo:  Waltdisnerd:  Battbaby:  With Out



Cardigonewild CaribbeanGirls