Proto Porn
thursdays-soldier: #i loved how cas was like #pffft no now why would i do that
thursdays-soldier: #i loved how cas was like #pffft no now why would i do that
Michaeeeeeeeeeeeeeel: 2Spookywinchesters: Redheadedgnomegirl: Kevin Outsmarted Crowley. Crowley. He Outsmarted Crowley. Outsmarted Crowley. #Twice #Kevin Tran Advanced Fucking Placement
Littleartemis: #Wow Sam #Gr9 Pokerface #Po Po Po Pokerface
I'd Live For You And That's Hard To Do.
The-Grand-Microcosm: A Pineappledean: This Is The Most Mature Cast And Crew Of Them All.
Arabiandelilah: Merry-I-Am: Theneighbourhoodsuperhero: Following His Release From Guantanamo Bay, Sami Al-Hajj, A (Former) Guantanamo Bay Detainee, Dashes Towards His Eight Year Old Son Mohammad And Swoops Him Up In His Arms, Hugging Him And Planting
You Can't Close Your Heart.
Rebelle De Stockton
Hi I'm Annamarie
Minion-With-A-Shotgun: Deductism: Misha-Bawlins: How Is This Not All Over Tumblr Jesus Take The Motherfucking Wheel
Sircorymonteith: Dauntless-Capturetheflag: Tumboner: Sofapizza:
Sylvester-Calzone: Finally Told My Parents They’re Gay
Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan: Homeofwords: Ealperin: Homeofwords: Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlie: Pie-Liner-Eats-Tesseract: Lidlesseye: Spookydove: Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan: Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan: Holy Shit Was That Thor’s