Proto Porn

as I was leaving the salon I saw this foooiiiinneeeeee ass dude sitting talking with a stylist and went to the front desk and was like “straight up I’m being nosy, but you know the Afghan stylist?” “Yes..” “Who is

as I was leaving the salon I saw this foooiiiinneeeeee ass dude sitting talking with a stylist and went to the front desk and was like “straight up I’m being nosy, but you know the Afghan stylist?” “Yes..” “Who is

Stay-Human: Beyond The Brilliant Way Alan Rickman Gave Life To A Brilliantly Written Character In One Of My All-Time Favourite Childhood Series, Alan Rickman Was Vocal (Without Fucking Up) About Palestine. In 2005 He Co-Created The Play My Name Is Rachel

Stay-Human: Beyond The Brilliant Way Alan Rickman Gave Life To A Brilliantly Written

* سوسن

* سوسن

Full Time Hater

Full Time Hater

Tamarrud: Israel’s Unwillingness To Dismantle The Settlements, Crushes The ‘Palestinian State’ Solution. Ever Since The The Israeli Military Occupation Of The West Bank And Gaza Strip Began In 1967, Successive Israeli Governments Have Taken Advantage

Tamarrud: Israel’s Unwillingness To Dismantle The Settlements, Crushes The ‘Palestinian

I Jist Spilled My Whole Soda On Th E White Carpet Lololllll

I Jist Spilled My Whole Soda On Th E White Carpet Lololllll

It's A Shame Stupidity Isn't Painful

It's A Shame Stupidity Isn't Painful



Occupycityrail: Iconic.

Occupycityrail: Iconic.

Did A Little Work, Took Class, Taught Class, Took Advanced Class Then Finished A Little At Work And Now I&Amp;Rsquo;M Dead&Amp;Hellip;And Continue Straight Into Dc For Fun Time :)

Did A Little Work, Took Class, Taught Class, Took Advanced Class Then Finished A

Come With Me Now

 Come With Me Now

The Most Incredible Shit Ive Seen Mynwhole Life Whole Fuckin Life

The Most Incredible Shit Ive Seen Mynwhole Life Whole Fuckin Life

Alcohol Is So Fucking Nasty But Like How Am Supposed To Feel Less. This Music Is Weird But I Love It Nonetheless

Alcohol Is So Fucking Nasty But Like How Am Supposed To Feel Less.  This Music Is

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