Proto Porn
i-gen: Sony Mdr-g62 Headphone ad, 1999
i-gen: Sony Mdr-g62 Headphone ad, 1999
Krxs10: Can Someone Say This A Little Louder I Don’t Think The People In The Back Heard It
Blockmanga: Little Black Girl Gone Missing In The Bay. This Is From Today! Please Boost!
Spctre: Espen Kluge
Ferguson Donation Masterpost
Liz-Pls: I’m Only Sharing Tweets For Those Who Are Not On Twitter And Can’t See How Passionate And Outraged Journalists Are As They Tweet From #Ferguson. If You Are On Twitter, Here’s A Good Roster Of People To Follow If You Want To Keep Updated.
Plasticbeaches: ”I Paint Myself Because I Am So Often Alone”
Marbleslab: Cactus Moon By Oybay
What In Fucks Name Is This Flying Water
Brazilianqueer: Black-Power
Blackcontemporaryart: Kerry James Marshalluntitled (Club Couple), 2014 Acrylic On Pvc Oanel, 61 X 61 — Kerry James Marshalluntitled, (Beach Towel), 2014Acrylic On Pvc Panel 60 7/8 X 72 5/8