Proto Porn
forget me
forget me
Micdotcom: Watch: Viola Davis Just Became The First Black Woman To Win The Best Actress In A Drama Emmy — And Her Speech Is Breathtaking.
Proletarianinstinct: There Are So Many Old Myths And Legends About Dead Giants Making Hills And Mountains
Rawrzuhlind: By Kristen Wicce For Avenue Magazine
Treebystream: Irina Zatulovskaya
Untrustyou: Bartolomeeo
Where Angels Cry
2Bugs: Vuls: Betty Thomson’s Multiplications Cubes
Nevver: Sink Or Swim
Nearlya: Alex Kanevsky Breathing Room, 2014, Oil On Linen
Pleviose: Craig Green Ss15 Shot By Scandebergs
Watchog: If You Think I Seem Thirsty For Attention I Am