Proto Porn
Personal thoughts and feelings. You don't have to read really.
Personal thoughts and feelings. You don't have to read really.
This Is One Of My Headcannons *A* I Can Imagine Kotetsu Being Good At Playing The Guitar.
Ah...i Feel Really Silly For Writing All Of That Now
Fourpaperdragons: By もな男
Reblog If You Ever Cried In Front Of The Computer, Alone.
Ricecore: Ricecore: I Cant Breathe I Am Serious Oh My God Words Cant Explain Still Crying
Barnaboob: By ぱし The Fact That They Included Yuri In This Just Made It That Much Better
Awww My Boys
There's Poutine All Over My Dash
Twitter: @Odorokl
Barnaboob: By Pia
Kupowins: たましい