Proto Porn
Hopeless Romantic with a dirty mind
Hopeless Romantic with a dirty mind
Hopeless Romantic With A Dirty Mind
Youknowimgood4It: Taken From Reddit But It Can’t Be Stressed Enough
Hopeless Romantic With A Dirty Mind
Pfdredux: Openmindcloseddoor: Yep. Puppies, Cowboys, Love, Daisies, Porn, Inspiration, Bacon And Jeeps. That’s Me. And Tigers
50Shadesoflinsanity: Worst Ongoing Story Ever *Smirk*
Tryingtomakefriends: Maybe Even Better Than A Mirror.
Tryingtomakefriends: Please Do
Starlight, Starbright
Astraeasstar: So, So True.
A Submissive's Strength
A Submissive's Strength
Shhhaftermidnight: I Want To Taste You.