Proto Porn
Sooner than later, I'll need a saviour.
Sooner than later, I'll need a saviour.
Santinozafiro: Body Ody Ody
Guyscandy: .
I-Pomegranate: Hiya, I Showeredsnapchat: Ipomegranate
Enter The Chamber
Lickway: Roachpatrol: Do You Ever Think About How Voldemort Was 72 When He Died? Like, This Dude Spent His Whole Life Trying To Figure Out Immortality. As A Wizard He’d Probably Have Made It To 200 If He Just Ate Healthy, Got Regular Exercise, Had
Not Your Boy Toy
Every Day's A Great Day
No Homo
V-Ersacrum: Caravaggio, Bacchus (Details), C.1595
Hospitals Are Weird
Jvmvs: Hahahahaha
Twerkswithwolves: So Many Gays In One Bed