Proto Porn

gang0fwolves: when a bunch of your favorite artists release new music at the same time

gang0fwolves: when a bunch of your favorite artists release new music at the same time

gang0fwolves:  when a bunch of your favorite artists release new music at the same

gang0fwolves:  when a bunch of your favorite artists release new music at the same

gang0fwolves:  when a bunch of your favorite artists release new music at the same

Joshunf: If A Charmander Running In Circles Chasing Its Tail Doesnt Fit Your Blog Then You Are Running The Wrong Kind Of Blog

Joshunf:  If A Charmander Running In Circles Chasing Its Tail Doesnt Fit Your Blog

Foresity: Gateway || Lars Hellebø (Teo)

Foresity:  Gateway || Lars Hellebø (Teo)

I'm From X, You're From Y

I'm From X, You're From Y

Femmefan: Femmefan

Femmefan:  Femmefan







I-Got-Kicked-By-Pj: Hate-That-Sadness-In-Your-Eyes: Photographer Francois Brunelle Has Been Working On An Amazing Project; Searching For People Who Look Strikingly Similar But Have No Relation To Each Other. These Are Some Of This Incredible Finds. 

I-Got-Kicked-By-Pj:  Hate-That-Sadness-In-Your-Eyes:  Photographer Francois Brunelle

The Absolute Funniest Posts On Tumblr

The Absolute Funniest Posts On Tumblr

Softpyramid: Chris Wainwrightred Ice-White Ice2008-09 C-Print On Aluminum Disko Bay, Greenland.

Softpyramid:  Chris Wainwrightred Ice-White Ice2008-09 C-Print On Aluminum Disko



Spenceromg: Vuoen: Vaxpur: Antiquitie: Swinq: Yooo This Looks Dope On Your Blog It Really Does Ugh Preach It Tegs This Is The Sexiest Thing I’ve Seen In Ages Mmmm

Spenceromg:  Vuoen:  Vaxpur:  Antiquitie:  Swinq:  Yooo This Looks Dope On Your Blog

Ebonyasshole EdibleButtholes