Proto Porn
what-the-floofin: smol playtime
what-the-floofin: smol playtime
Yemme: Burningonyx: Theinturnetexplorer: Andreas M. (57), From Freital, Germany, Raises His Arm To A Nazi Salute In Provocation Toward A Group Of Demonstrators For Human And Refugees Rights, Who Were Marching Nearby. He Gets Then Calmly Approached
Fuckyeahcomicsbaby: “Never Get Tired Of Doing Little Things For Others, Sometimes Those Little Things Occupy The Biggest Parts Of Their Lives.”
Animationtidbits: Gigantic - D23 Concept Art (X)
Askthehomeworldsquad: Farewell
E021: Bad Pearl? (I Just Like Her Design Xd)
Tnilnil: Banjo Retort!
Adisneyheart: Becauseitisjohnnydepp: Johnny Depp Receives His Disney Legend Award At The D23 Expo [X] I Can’t Handle This
Discount-Supervillain: Med School Honeyyyy
Keuang-Drawidea: S.u.
Mediocrity Thy Name Is Monsoon
//Rocket Syrup// &Amp; The Moon
Giraafe: Work Bitch!!!!!