Proto Porn
The Stages of Greif
The Stages of Greif
Discount-Supervillain: Be Wary Of Asking Me To Predict Your Desires, I Might Develop Self-Awareness.
Calypsolemon: Jabster Sketches, First One Is Based On This Art With My Own Partially Corrupted Jasper Thrown Insecond Is Because Eating Hair Means I Love You In Doggo Commissions / Twitter / Ko-Fi
Thegembeaststemple: Ever Since I Left The Fusion Youstarted Raging Less And Going Out Morecountless Cans Of Paint Out On The Barn Floorhanging With Some Gems I Battled In The War
Generalzaroff: Take A Closer Look At That Snout! Aaah A Little Humor Before The Possible Death Of My Babee Girl Ashi. I Love You Ashi And Your Snout.
Ggmuniverse: 펄
Save The Light: Current Platforms
Krmayerillustration: We Were Amazed To Findyour Beauty And Your Worthwe Will Protect Your Kindwe Will Protect Your Earth
808Lhr:tfw You Take Your Gf’s Shirt Because You Love Her
Chazz-Forte:pizza Time
Caroropaez: Blxck–Hat: Nom. I Loved Animating This Shot With @Bendermejia !!