Proto Porn

Go to google maps. Get directions from China to Taiwan. Look at instruction 55.

Go to google maps. Get directions from China to Taiwan. Look at instruction 55.

Go to google maps. Get directions from China to Taiwan. Look at instruction 55.

Go to google maps. Get directions from China to Taiwan. Look at instruction 55.

Go to google maps. Get directions from China to Taiwan. Look at instruction 55.

Where Amazing Happens.

Where Amazing Happens.

Home Turf. Credits To Johnson Xiong.

Home Turf. Credits To Johnson Xiong.

Original. Drum. Corp. Forever.

Original. Drum. Corp. Forever.

The Team That Made History.

The Team That Made History.



My Brother Bought Me A 360 Cus He Thought I Played Cod. Waste Of Money, Lol.

My Brother Bought Me A 360 Cus He Thought I Played Cod. Waste Of Money, Lol.

At The School Library..

At The School Library..









I Pretend Not To Miss You. I Never Talk To You Anymore. I Walk Passed You Trying My Hardest Not To Look At You. Do You Know How Painful That Is? I Want You In My Life, But You Had Other Plans.

I Pretend Not To Miss You. I Never Talk To You Anymore. I Walk Passed You Trying

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