Proto Porn

I check my followers once in a while and it makes me happy to see some of your urls. Like, YES! you are awesome. we need to be friends.

I check my followers once in a while and it makes me happy to see some of your urls. Like, YES! you are awesome. we need to be friends.







After Faking It And Keeping Sorrow Hidden Within Me My Whole Life I Really Think My Daughter Deserves To See Her Mommy Happy And With A Genuine Smile. Ive Stopped Looking For ‘Acceptance’ From Others Because Ive Found Its Whats Kept Me Dragged Down

After Faking It And Keeping Sorrow Hidden Within Me My Whole Life I Really Think

Kellyannne: The Accuracy.

Kellyannne:  The Accuracy.

Coffeeandsnow92: Eyedea &Amp;Amp; Slug (2002)

Coffeeandsnow92:  Eyedea &Amp;Amp; Slug (2002)

Soul Searching♡

Soul Searching♡

Soul Searching♡

Soul Searching♡

Gorlt: Lmao (Laughing My Anxiety Off)

Gorlt:  Lmao (Laughing My Anxiety Off)

God Loves Ugly.

God Loves Ugly.

Therealaaa: *Mexican Girl Voice* Not Eeeeeven!

Therealaaa:  *Mexican Girl Voice* Not Eeeeeven!

Pues Ya Que.

Pues Ya Que.

DressTwerk DressedAndUndressed