Proto Porn

Oh…no …The pain …killing me …The weakness… stoping me …I feel so weak …I do not have…help…ouch…The…kryptonite…My destiny …finished …ouch…

Oh…no …The pain …killing me …The weakness… stoping me …I feel so weak …I do not have…help…ouch…The…kryptonite…My destiny …finished …ouch…

Oh…no …The pain …killing me …The weakness…

Go , Superman !Go For Your Destiny !The Kryptonite Is Waiting  For You &Amp;Hellip;

Go , Superman !Go For Your Destiny !The Kryptonite Is Waiting  For You &Amp;Hellip;

Oh&Amp;Hellip;What Is This&Amp;Hellip;Why ? Why ?My Body In Pain&Amp;Hellip;So Intense&Amp;Hellip;The Kryptonite&Amp;Hellip;Killing Me &Amp;Hellip;Please&Amp;Hellip; Stop With This &Amp;Hellip;Please&Amp;Hellip; I Do Not Want Die &Amp;Hellip;Please &Amp;Hellip;

Oh&Amp;Hellip;What Is This&Amp;Hellip;Why ? Why ?My Body In Pain&Amp;Hellip;So Intense&Amp;Hellip;The

Superman Feeling The Kryptonite Effects .

Superman Feeling The Kryptonite Effects .

The Pain&Amp;Hellip;Killing Me&Amp;Hellip;The Weakness&Amp;Hellip; Stoping Me &Amp;Hellip;Oh&Amp;Hellip; Ouch&Amp;Hellip; The Kryptonite Won .

The Pain&Amp;Hellip;Killing Me&Amp;Hellip;The Weakness&Amp;Hellip; Stoping Me &Amp;Hellip;Oh&Amp;Hellip;

Superman Unconscious By Kryptonite Rays .

Superman Unconscious By Kryptonite Rays .

Oh&Amp;Hellip;The Headache&Amp;Hellip;Killing Me &Amp;Hellip;Oh&Amp;Hellip;Ouch&Amp;Hellip;Kryptonite &Amp;Hellip; I Feel So Weak &Amp;Hellip;

Oh&Amp;Hellip;The Headache&Amp;Hellip;Killing Me &Amp;Hellip;Oh&Amp;Hellip;Ouch&Amp;Hellip;Kryptonite

Oh , No &Amp;Hellip;The Kryptonite Rain &Amp;Hellip;My Destiny Is Finished&Amp;Hellip;Please &Amp;Hellip; Help Me &Amp;Hellip;

Oh , No &Amp;Hellip;The Kryptonite Rain &Amp;Hellip;My Destiny Is Finished&Amp;Hellip;Please

Oh&Amp;Hellip;Ouch&Amp;Hellip;Gasp&Amp;Hellip;Please , Lois &Amp;Hellip;Do Not Torture Me &Amp;Hellip;Please &Amp;Hellip; Give Way &Amp;Hellip;The &Amp;Hellip;Kryptonite Is &Amp;Hellip; Killing Me &Amp;Hellip;Please &Amp;Hellip;By God&Amp;Hellip; Stop !

Oh&Amp;Hellip;Ouch&Amp;Hellip;Gasp&Amp;Hellip;Please , Lois &Amp;Hellip;Do Not Torture

I Feel So Weak &Amp;Hellip;Kryptonite &Amp;Hellip;The Only Mortal Element For Me &Amp;Hellip;No&Amp;Hellip; I Am Dying &Amp;Hellip;

I Feel So Weak &Amp;Hellip;Kryptonite &Amp;Hellip;The Only Mortal Element For Me

Gotcha !Superman , Now You Are Defeated&Amp;Hellip;My Kryptonite Rays Will Kill You !

Gotcha !Superman , Now You Are Defeated&Amp;Hellip;My Kryptonite Rays Will Kill You

Oh&Amp;Hellip;The Pain So Intense &Amp;Hellip; Kryptonite&Amp;Hellip;I Feel So Weak &Amp;Hellip;

Oh&Amp;Hellip;The Pain So Intense &Amp;Hellip; Kryptonite&Amp;Hellip;I Feel So

Oh, No &Amp;Hellip;The Kryptonite On The Water&Amp;Hellip;No&Amp;Hellip;Not Is Possible&Amp;Hellip;Please&Amp;Hellip; Help Me &Amp;Hellip;

Oh, No &Amp;Hellip;The Kryptonite On The Water&Amp;Hellip;No&Amp;Hellip;Not Is Possible&Amp;Hellip;Please&Amp;Hellip;

ShowerOrange ShowingOffInPublic