Proto Porn
Partybarackisinthehousetonight: Be Careful What You Post Online Because Future Employers Might See It And Want To Hang Out With You Because You’re So Cool
Disneyfrozenprincess: Oh My Gosh This Is My Favorite One So Far
Hotwhiteguy: If I Was A Ghost Id Help Little Kids With Math And Throw Vases At Mean People
Fappuclno: When Someone Sweaty Touches You
Snowtorch: (Seductively Licks Lips) (Grabs Your Wrist) (Furiously Hits You With Your Own Hand) Why Are You Hitting Yourself Why Are You Hitting Yourself Why Are You Hitting Yourself Why Ar
Live Your Life
Not Actually A Klansmen
Awkwardvagina: A Girl I Go To University With Goes To House Parties Once Everyones Drunk And Takes Toilet Paper So She Never Had To Buy Her Own
Noo, Mi Torta
Budvveiser: Do You Think Clouds Look Down On People And Think “That Ones Shaped Like An Idiot”