Proto Porn
Sjwashere: Bnaz: Why Is It So Important To Me For Two Fictional Characters To Kisswhat Went Wrong In My Life I Don’t Understand It’s The Affirmation That Love Exists In A Form That You Connect To. Real Life Doesn’t Always Provide Examples Of
Momofficial: Bopeep: Hfklahfjdslfhas God Damn
Dudebasicallyme: Whenever You Refresh Your Dashboard And No One Is Posting:
Sadsawako: Profaned-Soul: Sadsawako: No1 Cares If Ur Vegan Or A Vegetarian What We’re Annoyed With Is That You Insist That Ur Better Than Us And That We’re Satan Or Something Because We Eat Meat Omfg You’re Supporting An Industry That Condones
Actuates: How To Play Soccer In Gym Class: 1. Get The Ball 2. Pass It To Someone Who Actually Knows How To Play 3. Run.
Suspend: Suspend: Im Screaming I Messaged Someone “Can I Bother You For A Sex?” It Was Supposed To Be Sec Not Sex
Earthdad: Me: So Do You Like Your Spaghetti Vlad? Vlad, My Vampire Friend: *Starts Dying* No I Hateth Thee Spaghetti Me: Haha I Put Garlic In It You Freakin Idiot
- ̗̀Luna ̖́-
Nudqe: “White People Can’t Danc-” “White People Can’t Twer-”