Proto Porn

Not quite as pretty as Margaretha, but still cute. o3o

Not quite as pretty as Margaretha, but still cute. o3o

Not quite as pretty as Margaretha, but still cute. o3o

Celia Y U So Pretty? :&Amp;Lt; ♥

Celia Y U So Pretty? :&Amp;Lt; ♥

These Are The Times When I&Amp;Rsquo;M Torn Between Two Different, Completely Opposite Options. &Amp;Ldquo;! ;~; Omg You&Amp;Rsquo;Re Hurt, Here, Lemme Fix It All Up, I&Amp;Rsquo;Ll Make You All Good Again&Amp;Hellip;!! ;~~;&Amp;Rdquo; Or &Amp;Ldquo;Holy&Amp;Mdash;&Amp;Ndash; *Pounces*&Amp;Rdqu

These Are The Times When I&Amp;Rsquo;M Torn Between Two Different, Completely Opposite

Brand New Stuffs On Pixiv Again! Gogo, Clickclick~!

Brand New Stuffs On Pixiv Again! Gogo, Clickclick~!

Bio 3, Kafra Style! \O/

Bio 3, Kafra Style! \O/

*Runs Around, Flailing, Fainting And Fangirling* Those Expressions. *W* ♥

*Runs Around, Flailing, Fainting And Fangirling* Those Expressions. *W* ♥

You Know. Some Things Are Scary As Fucking Hell. Like This Picture. And Still I&Amp;Rsquo;M Staring At It. Something&Amp;Rsquo;S Wrong With Me. :&Amp;Lt;

You Know. Some Things Are Scary As Fucking Hell. Like This Picture. And Still I&Amp;Rsquo;M

Uuuhhh, Let&Amp;Rsquo;S See. That&Amp;Rsquo;D Be Ro. And Last Night I Was Doing Some Soloing In Bio 3. So I Would Be Pretty Damn Screwed. In At Least The Hurtful Sense Of That Word. I Would Be Lying Dead On The Floor By Now, Being Pummeled With Such Skills As

Uuuhhh, Let&Amp;Rsquo;S See. That&Amp;Rsquo;D Be Ro. And Last Night I Was Doing Some



Reblog This If You Actually Like Following Me.

Reblog This If You Actually Like Following Me.

Always And Forever [Nc-17, Seyren/Margaretha]

Always And Forever [Nc-17, Seyren/Margaretha]

Ohgodyoutwoaresocutepleaseletmeatthem! *Claws The Display*

Ohgodyoutwoaresocutepleaseletmeatthem! *Claws The Display*

Holy Sh&Amp;Mdash;- Hai Randel. &Amp;Lt;3 

Holy Sh&Amp;Mdash;- Hai Randel. &Amp;Lt;3 

ButtSharpies ButtTooBig