Proto Porn
Official Filth
Official Filth
This Is Life
I So Badly Want To Be With Her Right Now, Laying In Her Arms, Being Comforted, Feeling Her Lips Against Mine, Touching Each Other, Making Love Together. I So Badly Want To Feel Relaxed And Free, To Be With Her And Not Worry About Every Little Thing In
Sanctanimity: I Wrote This, I Seriously Can’t Believe It Has Almost 70,000 Notes
Hopelessly Hopeful.
Wh-Isky: Will Write About The Following, Leave One In My Ask Box. Dear Person I Hate, Dear Person I Like, Dear Ex Boyfriend, Dear Ex Girlfriend, Dear Ex Bestfriend, Dear Bestfriend, Dear *Anyone*, Dear Santa, Dear Mom, Dear Dad, Dear Future Me, Dear
Hit Me Like A Man.
Pizzaforpresident: Buttholeking: Pizzaforpresident: Imagine Having Sex In Space That’s Very Astronaughty ;) We’re Going To Uranus ;)
Self Interest
Rachelskarsten-Deactivated20140: Coming Out Scenes: Carmen; The L Word