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thetieguy: Buying socks. (at J.Crew)
thetieguy: Buying socks. (at J.Crew)
Lovequotesrus: Everything You Love Is Here
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(1) President Abraham Lincoln, Who Had Depression(2) Writer Virginia Woolf, Who Had Bipolar Disorder(3) Artist Vincent Van Gogh, Who Had Bipolar Disorder(4) Writer Sylvia Plath, Who Had Depression(5) Mathematician John Nash (From A Brilliant Mind), Who
Asapm0B: Svpreme-Sinner: Hndred: Vm-Bongo: More Simple ♢ ×
Asapm0B: Svpreme-Sinner: ♢ V
Asapm0B: Svpreme-Sinner: Sexlane: . ♢ ×
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Rosie Posie