Proto Porn
Boy Gymspiration
Boy Gymspiration
Masc Country Redneck
Tinabelchers: #When Someone Asks Me How Life’s Going
Harpoon Kingdom
Caliphorniaqueen: Fabulouslymemzb: Sister Act 2 Iconic
Moonlittmusings: Nobody Tells You How Much Mental Illness Fucks With Your Perception Of Time. How You Can’t Place Memories Right. How You Can’t Distinguish If Something Happened A Month Ago Or A Year Ago. How You Lose Entire Chunks. Weeks, Months
The Impossible Boy
If You Want Peace, Prepare For War.
Hoist By Your Own Petard
Its-A-Different-World: Randomleighcool: Tkyle: Peppa Pig Is Not Here For Your Lying Ass, Susie Sheep. Bitch!!! 😂😂😂😂 This Is In My Top 10 Favorite Cartoon Scenes Because She Got So Freakin Mad, Like, She Straight Spazzed My Girl Snapped
Bee Tee Dub Yoo