Proto Porn
Parallels are an illusion, and so is death.: GREY DAY!!
Parallels are an illusion, and so is death.: GREY DAY!!
But-Youcalledmehere: Bl00Db3Nder: And The Movie Couldn’t Have Looked Like This Because?!? Why Doesn’t This Have More Notes?
Mitt Romney Sucks Pass It On
Mushrooms By ~Ryokosanbrasil Inspired By This.
Grey Delisle Voiceactress/Singer/Serial Killer
Greydelisle: Chaobunny: I Don’t Know What I Did…But I’m Not Even Sorry. This Is Dedicated To Grey Delisle. The Avatar Fandom Thanks You For Gracing Tumblr With Your Presence. You Guys Just Continue To Astonish Me!!! How Am I Supposed To Banish
This Is A Headcanon I Have. If Azula Appeared In Tlok She Would Cause A Big Impact. Since Korra Now Is Able To Enter In The Avatar State And Have Access To The Memories Of Her Past Lives, She Really Would Be Fearful And Distrustful To See Someone Who
G-Ku: Babies Can Sense Evil.
4Chan Never Fails To Amaze Me.
Vindictev: I’m So Done. Done.
Minuiko: “Watching My Soulmate Spend His Life With The Wrong Woman Became Too Painful.” - Pema - Sidenote: As Fun As The Idea Is, I Don’t Actually Think Tenzin Dated Lin When They Were Younger Because In All Likelihood They Grew Up Together And
Kapitoiiika: Я Сегодня Чуть Не Умер На Паре.