Proto Porn
burdge: *shouts from the rooftops* SIBLINGS
burdge: *shouts from the rooftops* SIBLINGS
Nataliesama: Masoncrosby: New Favorite Word Alert Finally A Word I Can Say When Talking About My Ass
Princess Azula
Mustangst: Badass Korra Is Badass
Glitchgoat: Yoooo What
Matthewdeclermont: “Screw Writing “Strong” Women. Write Interesting Women. Write Well-Rounded Women. Write Complicated Women. Write A Woman Who Kicks Ass, Write A Woman Who Cowers In A Corner. Write A Woman Who’s Desperate For A Husband. Write
Ohthelinsanity: Rin Went Turbo
The Highchou
⭒ Keep Moving Forward ⭒
⭒ Keep Moving Forward ⭒
Masterarrowhead: &Amp;Ldquo;I Read It For The Character Development!!&Amp;Rdquo; He Started Reading It To Make Sure There Was No Inappropriate Shenanigans That His Daughters Were Reading And Then It Turned Into Him Secretly Reading Them For His Own Enjoyment.
Will-Ruzicka: Brownbunni: I Really Want A Replica Of This Collar. They Should Sell Them At Hot Topic.
Small Thing Here